& Publishing
& Publishing was founded december 2004 when a musician was sitting on first row, all the way back in the orchestras percussion group, and wondered about how a teddybear ended up in a concert hall.
The children's book; The Teddybook - how Teddy ended up in the concert hall, was the first book to be released.
Today more than a twenty books have been published, from children's book to ancestry book and fiction.
Welcome, hope you find something that suits you.
A goal- and planning calendar started to develop in 2016 and in November 2018 we even released this calendar which the same musician and percussionist is using himself to better achieve his goals and dreams in this life.
Recent release, 25 August, 2023;
Studies for snare drum &
The Drumming Tradition of Sweden.
Order here below;
Feel free.
Grateful for all the teaching, inspiration & love of music who
brought these Studies for Snare Drum to life.
Grateful for composers,
teachers, colleagues, friends & most of all great musicians who have
inspired them.
The first ten of these studies are based upon classic snare drum parts
from the symphonic repertoire whilst the latter two are free
compositions. All the studies are meant to be studied as exercises. To
strenghten as well as inspire the classical snare drum playing to new
personal heights.
Grateful for Hans-Erik Grandin, Lennnart Gruvstedt, Perry Dreiman,
Joakim Berg, Martin Orraryd, Glenn Larsson, Bo Håkansson, Anders
Nilsson, Andreas Påhlsson, David Kangasneimi, Jonas Blomqvist & Tom
Nyby for your teaching, inspiration & all the wonderful musical
Andreas Eklöf
Studies for Snare Drum by Andreas Eklöf
ISBN 978-91-9881-104-9
Scholarship Karlskrona Blekinge 2022
International Scholarship Karlskrona Blekinge´s purpose is to encourage
young musicians toward a profession as a musician. Jakob Nilsson,
trombone & Daniel Vistam, trombone was awarded the scholarship the 2
July 2022 in the Karlskrona Admiralty Church, anno 1680.
The scholarship was presented during the final concert of Blekinge
International Brass Academy, BIBA, where for 29 years solo brass
musicians from the worlds leading concert halls have been represented,
so even this year;
Thomas Hooten, trumpet
Los Angeles Philharmonic
Gabriele Cassone, trumpet
Soloist from Italy
Jeroen Berwaerts, trumpet
Soloist from Belgium
Laurens Woudenberg, horn
Concertgebouworkest, Amsterdam
Dick Gustavsson, horn
Göteborgs Symfoniker
Bart Claessens, trombon
Concertgebouworkest, Amsterdam
Tomer Maschkowski, bastrombone
Deutsches Symphonie Orchester
Ricardo Carvalhoso, tuba
Munich Philharmonic
förord Andreas Eklöf & foto Andreas Blomlöf ISBN 978-91-8059-221-5
INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP - Karlskrona Blekinge 2021
International Scholarship
Karlskrona Blekinge was initiated 2019 & this year, 2021, the
scholarship was presented during the last concert of Blekinge
International Brass Academy to; Sigrid Bengtsson, trumpet, Ellinor
Bengtson, trumpet, & Hedda Simonsson, trumpet.
For 28 years solo brass musicians from the worlds leading concert halls have been represented at BIBA, so even this year;
Wim Van Hasselt, trumpet
Soloist from Belgium
Frits Damrow, trumpet
Professor from Zürich
Stefan Dohr, horn
Berlin Philharmonic
Katy Woolley, horn
Concertgebouw, Amsterdam
Ian Bousfield trombon
Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra & London Symphony Orchestra
Jamie Williams, trombon
Deutsche Oper Berlin
Dave Kutz, tuba
Netherlands Philharmonic
In English & Swedish
foreword Andreas Eklöf & photo Magnus Lejhall ISBN 978-91-8020-637-2
Hemmanet Trons har gått i samma släkts ägo sedan en lång tid
tillbaka. Tore Svedlund
besökte Trons i mitten av 1970-talet och träffade Ella Svensson som då
bodde ensam i huset. Ella tog fram många gamla handlingar som visade sig
vara av stort värde.
Det var Pehr Jonsons inrikespass från 1830
för att få fara till Sala för att få sälja smör, fågel och skinn. I
samlingen fanns även bouppteckningar, arrendekontrakt för lantbonden
1840 och lagfart / fastebrev för Jonas Persson daterat Nilsvallens
Tingsställe 21 februari 1851. Dessutom flera personalia, dvs.
levnadsberättelser, om Pehr Jonsson och Ella Embriksdotter.
vare dessa handlingar och Frans Järnankars och Arne Elfqvists forskning
har vi fått en bra bild av hur Trons förfäder har haft det.
Lena Eklöf, Bagars, Kolsätt, Härjedalen Tore Svedlund, Bollnäs, Hälsingland
TRONS I KOLSÄTT Only in Swedish
by Lena Eklöf & Tore Svedlund ISBN 978-91-7819-735-4
En varm lördagskväll i juni fick man njuta av elevernas
avslutningskonsert vid Blekinge International Brass Academy, BIBA, som
genomfördes för den 27:e gången sedan starten 1993.
Panayotov, Bulgarien, och Viking Stjernfeldt, Sverige, fick mottaga ett stipendium för vidare
studier på sina respektive instrument utsedd av de internationellt
influgna lärarna.
Stipendiet instiftades av den ideella
föreningen Karlskronavisor, som syftar att lyfta fram ett varmt
välkomnande Karlskrona. Stipendiet utdelades av Olle Lind som var med
och initierade BIBA.
For 26 years Blekinge International Brass Academy has been a part of Karlskrona, Blekinge, and its beautiful summers.
renowned brass musicians have been flown in from all around the world
to teach young talents and college students. This year, 2019, was no
exception and a surprise awaited all students.
Dimatar Panayotov, Bulgaria,
and Viking Stjernfeldt, Sweden, was given a scholarship for future education on
their instruments appointed by this years international renowned
soloists and musicians;
Wim Van Hasselt - trumpet - soloist from Belgium
Rex Richardson - trumpet - soloist from USA
Fergus McWilliam - french horn - Berlin Philharmonic
Otmar Gaiswinkler - trombone - Wiener Symphoniker
James Markey - bass trombone - Boston Symphony
Sergio Carolino - tuba - soloist from Portugal
Internationellt stipendium - Karlskrona, Blekinge
James Markey, bastrombonist i Boston Symphony Orchestra, leder
studenterna vid avslutningskonserten i Amiralitetskyrkan, Karlskrona,
INTERNATIONELLT STIPENDIUM - Karlskrona Blekinge sv/eng
med förord av Andreas Eklöf ISBN 978-91-7819-443-8
2020 Q - goal and planning calendar
Have been privileged to publish a goal- and planning calendar, 2020 Q, that I am using myself.
Have during a few years develop this goal- and planning calendar which
helps me to keep me on track, by planning my time towards my personal
dreams and goals in life.
this calendar you can see your own progress and shortcomings more
clearly, which helps you to keep moving forward in life. Even when life
feels like it is falling a part. Well, it helps even more then, really,
to keep you moving forward.
This through the knowledge that you
have more goals and dreams in front of you, that you want to see being
reached or fulfilled.
And yes, the calendar is in physical form
because the mental aspect of writing longhand strengthens concentration
and increases our probability to reach our goals - drastically.
So, feel free;
ISBN 978-91-7819-367-7
2020 Q is published in English.
Try 2020 Q for free
QUOTES - loved by many
Feel free, here comes a new book. Have been given the chance to publish a
book out of my favorite quotes that have been published on Facebook
- quotes that I learn a lot from.
Quotes by authors, inspirers and different leaders in one way or the other.
"Quotes have for many years been a part of my daily life. I love them, I
learn from them, I am inspired by them and I try to live what I learn
from them. See, read and learn what you will learn from these quotes and
let us grow together."
Andreas Eklöf
Include quotes by: James Allen Ralph W. Emerson W. Shakespeare
Robert Burns Napoleon Hill Henry D. Thoreau
Andrew Carnegie Abraham Lincoln Mark Twain
Charles Dickens C.S. Lewis
Thomas Edison
QUOTES - loved by many - by Andreas Eklöf
ISBN 978-91-7611-701-9
KARLSKRONAVISOR - by Mats Enqvist - book, including CD
The book includes 10 songs and 5 poems about a warmly welcoming Karlskrona, written by the newly-moved-in Mats Enqvist, from Värmland. The first 500 books also includes a CD-recordning with 7 of the songs, where all well known Karlskrona musicians contributes.
Thank you for a always beautiful and inspiring Karlskrona. Thank you all citizens for being just you, that makes Karlskrona the warmly welcoming city it is, regardless where you are from in the first place. Feel free, here is lyrics and music about, and from Karlskrona, to all of us who loves Karlskrona.
- Our Karlskrona.
Mats Enqvists Karlskronavisor are now available in all bookstores, in Sweden, virtual- and physical stores. The first 500 books include the CD-recordning. - Feel free.
KARLSKRONAVISOR - by Mats Enqvist - Only in Swedish
ISBN 978-91-7773-045-3
BREVEN HEM - av Cecilia Helmstad
This is the book "Breven hem" ("Letters home") - my grandfathers letters to my grandmother, when he was in hospital, before he dies 35 years old. My fathers letters to my grandmother, when he went to sea 15 years old. And my fathers letters to myself when I was a little girl and he was at sea.
In this collection I have chosen some letters to the book, others I have made short abstract from, and through the letter I have gotten to know my grandfather, that I never met, and my father when he was a very young man.
This book is written to my children Amelie, Amanda, Aron och Astrid.
Cecilia Helmstad, born Andersson, 2017.
BREVEN HEM - av Cecilia Helmstad Only in Swedish
ISBN 978-91-7611-900-6
Only in Swedish
Mats Enqvist is from Värmland, Sweden, and has found a new home. Now he writes about a city that he have come to love - Karlskrona. "Sometimes I rise at 5 am just to see the town wake up," Mats Enqvist says.
"When I get up that early I usually have a cup of coffee and then jump up on the bike. It is a special atmosphere just before the city wakes up. Another kind of air, another kind of scent."
Mats expresses a great joy over Karlskrona and the Association of Songs which he now is a part of. "We do everything together in "Visans vänner" ("Friends of Songs"). The people in this association is my favorite people in town."
Mattias Knutson, BLT.
Feel free, here are music and lyrics about Karlskrona. To all who loves our city. To all of you that have been forced to leave your home and had to come to our small beautiful archpelago town.- Everyones Karlskrona.
This booklet of songs inlcude 3 songs and 1 poem written by Mats Enqvist, and beautiful pictures of our beloved Karlkskrona.
ISBN 978-91-7611-900-6
Only in Swedish
A GOOD LIFE - first wrong then right
Josef Abram grew up in a small town with a hard working single
mother, drow himself deep down in a pit in life and asked for help - and
found it. And it was greater then he ever could imagine.
The clock said 00.30 and it knocked on the door. Josef got up
suprised from the bed. "That is weird, everbody knows that I sleep at
this time at night. Yes, even on Fridays." He got dressed and put on his
cap to try to hide his head that now only had a few hairs left. This
had been going on a few years and started in the beard with small empty
spots. Now, all facial- and head hair was gone. Even eyebrows, eyelashes
and some gone on arms, legs and chest.
Josef opened the door and
there were his landlord, and closest friend too, through these
turbulent years. The landlord said; "Now, take your clothes off."
"What," Josef thought, "what in the world is this?". Quickly he closed
the door and locked it, even though the landlord lived next door with
keys and everything.It was time. "That is enough".
story of Josef Abram and his turning point in life, has helped me a lot
personally and I hope that it also reaches you, dear readers."
Andreas Eklöf
A GOOD LIFE - first wrong then right
ISBN 978-91-7611-030-0LILLFJÄTEN & Nilssonsläkten i bilder
Har länge tänkt skriva ner och samla bilder från Lillfjäten för att
Per-Hannes och mina barn och barnbarn ska veta lite om bygden och
släkten de härstammar ifrån. En liten by i härlig fjällmiljö som gett
oss många härliga, sköna dagar i såväl sommar- som vintertid.
Boken handlar alltså om delar av Lillfjäten med Joles-syskonen från början av 1900-talet, men mest om Nilsson släkten.
Många kort har jag fått låna av familjen Nilsson, Britt-Marie ”Bibbi”
Jemt, Kerstin Person, Gudrun Kahn och av Esbjörn Henrikssons Joles Jonas
Olssons bilder.
Lena Eklöf
Bagars, Kolsätt, Härjedalen, 2013.
LILLFJÄTEN & Nilssonsläkten i bilder
ISBN 978-91-7609-828-8 Only in Swedish
KOLSÄTT - min by i bilder
Under 1980-talet väcktes mitt intresse för gamla bilder i Kolsätt, byn
där jag föddes under andra världskriget. Gick runt i gårdarna och fick
se många bilder från svunna tider.
Byborna berättade om saker som hänt i byn, som var helt nytt för mig. Om
färjans betydelse, fabriken, båten Prins Bernadotte och mycket mer.
Bilderna har visats på två utställningar på medborgarhuset i Sveg och finns nu här även i bokform.
Lena EklöfBagars, Kolsätt, Härjedalen, 2011.
KOLSÄTT - min by i bilder
ISBN 978-91-7609-252-1
Only in Swedish
NALLEBOKEN "Hur Nalle hamnade i konserthuset!"
Efter att ha lett Nallekonserter® i mer än 15 år med över 300 000
åhörare, kom Nalle ut i bokform 2009. Första upplagan av Nalleboken
sålde slut & förlaget fick ge ut den på nytt.
Nalleboken bygger på Malmö Symfoniorkesters varumärke Nallekonserter®
som ges i Malmö Konserthus 4-5 ggr per år. En riktig publiksuccé med
över 3 000 vuxna och barn i publiken per produktion, där Nalle för den
klassiska musiken närrmre den yngre generationen.
Boken "Hur Nalle hamnade i Konserthuset!" bygger på en sann
historia från symfoniorkestervärlden, gestaltad med AnnaPennas vackert
färgglada bilder med mycket att titta på för barnen. En Nallebjörn i en
så härligt äventyrlig miljö, som bara ett konserthus kan vara.
Berättelse: Jan-Erik Sääf/Andreas Eklöf
Illustrationer: Anna Sjölin
NALLEBOKEN - "Hur Nalle hamnade i konserthuset!"
ISBN 978-91-9761-250-0