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Napoleon Hill, an American author in the early 1900s, knew about hope.
In a chapter of one of his most famous books, Napoleon Hill tells about a boy who was born without ears and the doctor said that the boy would be a deaf mute all of his life. The boy’s father objected to this. "It can not be so and it will not be so," said the father when the doctor had given the parents this tragic information. The father was Napoleon Hill himself and the newly born boy without any ears was his own son.
Napoleon challenged the doctor´s opinion with reason as the boy’s father. At that moment Napoleon made a decision that his son will be able to hear and speak, but Napoleon expressed this decision only within himself, within his hearts chamber. You could give him a child without ears but you could not demand that Napoleon would accept this reality. In his mind he knew there were a way and that he would find it.
He thought of the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson; "The whole course of things goes to teach us faith. We need only obey. There is guidance for each of us, and by lowly listening we shall hear the right word." The right word? DESIRE. More than anything else he desired that his son would be able to hear and speak. And from this desire Napoleon did not back down - not even for one second.
The son got a little older and started to observe things around him and Napoleon and his wife noticed that he had some degree of hearing. When the son reach the age when children start to talk, the son did not make any attempt to speak but the parents could see because of his reactions that he could hear some sounds, slightly. That was all Napoleon needed to know, because if he could hear just a little bit, he could develop his hearing.
After some years Napoleon noticed that if he talked really loud at the place where the son ears would have been, the son could hear him. After this Napoleon started to tell his son of all the benefits he had because he had no ears. He even had benefits over his older brother who was born so-called normal. He told him that when he started school the teachers would give him extra attention because he had no ears, which would give him a chance to learn even more (this was something Napoleons wife made certain). The loving father Napoleon Hill repeated this storytelling every night.
Napoleon told that when the son would start to sell newspapers, the newspapers his older brother already was selling, the customers would be impressed by a boy without any ears who was so skilled that he probably would get to sell more newspapers. Napoleon always got back to his thesis; every adversity carries the seed of an equal or greater benefit. Just as Napoleon had told his son that his adversity, having no ears, would become his greatest asset. - What a father he was, Napoleon Hill.
So, when the boy got old enough he asked his mother, in his own way, if he could start to sell newspapers. His mother said no because she was concerned for him. So, the boy sneaked out the window and went to a neighbour and borrowed a few dollars to buy some newspapers. He bought newspapers and sold them with a small return. Bought more newspapers and sold them again. Paid the loan back and kept the profits. Climbed back in through the window and fell asleep, proud.
Mother and father Hill came in the next morning to find him sleeping with the profit in his hand. His mother got disappointed and said; "Of all things, money." Napoleon on the other hand was very pleased. He saw an entrepreneur who had made his first successful deal. Napoleon could also see clearly that his conscious repeated storytelling was bearing fruit. So true, even in school the teachers gave him more attention because of his handicap. The son learned all that he could.
Many years later in the Hills home the record player had made its entrance. Suddenly they found their son standing with his teeth tightly bitten in the record player and he was lyrical - he was beaming with happiness. He played the same song over and over again, for 2 hours. Much later they understood that the teeth are sound-bearing in their high density, therefore the sons lyrical discovery.
When the son got older he was trying different hearing aids that they tried during many years. One day he took up a piece of all the samples that where lying in their home, one more time. And he could hear. He could hear! This was a magical moment for the son. He called his mother and he heard her answer. For the first time in his life he heard his mothers voice loud and clear. Now Napoleon was lyrical. His son could hear after all the years of encouraging storytelling.
This gave the son a new energy and will to share this with other deaf children, so he called the company that produced the hearing aid and asked them if he could come and meet them. They said yes. The son wrote a 2 years business plan on how the company could market this product and how to develop it. At the company he presented this ORGANIZED PLAN to them. They were impressed and offered him an employment at the company to realize this plan.
Napoleon Hills hope gave him the desire that he had built up through a burning will and great PERSISTENCE that it would be fulfilled and it came true - his own son had turned his own adversity into his greatest asset.
Every adversity carries the seed of an equal or greater benefit, Napoleon Hills own thesis was made clear within his own home by his own son and Napoleon could not be more grateful.